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Where is the "Save As" function?
I'm using PPS9... I see no way to "save as"! Not to sound condescending, but "save as" is a standard command.
I searched this forum and read something about an export function, but have been unable to locate that either. Thanks.
just answered my own question:

if a tiff file is opened by the drag & drop method, then the only save option appears to be "save & close"


FYI: I'm on Mac OS 10.5.8
We are trying to reproduce this problem, but in all of our tests so far we have the normal file saving options when using drag and drop.

i too am missing the save as function i am only presented with save and close which overwrites the original image which means if i dont make a copy before running portrait pro i lose the orignal file .... this happens even if idont use the drag and drop
just run an update to 9.7.2 and the issue is fixed Smile
simple Wrote:i too am missing the save as function i am only presented with save and close which overwrites the original image which means if i dont make a copy before running portrait pro i lose the orignal file .... this happens even if idont use the drag and drop

Not entirely accurate. The original file isn't lost as the modified file is saved with a pp suffix.

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