I have absolutely no issues or complaints with PP, which I have been using for a couple of weeks now. The only thing I have to be careful of is making an image in a photo look too good. If I took 70 years off of 90-year-old "Granny's" face, she would not look real.
BTW, Raveonoke, I know the reason why you posted "before" and "after" photos of your model, and that was to demonstrate the effectiveness of PP. There is no need to critique your studio lighting. Good lighting techniques come with practice. But that's another story for another time. Good work.
BTW, Raveonoke, I know the reason why you posted "before" and "after" photos of your model, and that was to demonstrate the effectiveness of PP. There is no need to critique your studio lighting. Good lighting techniques come with practice. But that's another story for another time. Good work.