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Final image more retouched than what PP shows
Hi everyone,

I'm looking into the issue currently and was hoping for some more info. It sounds like the image appearing differently may be related to color profile. Can you please tell me if you're using the Studio or Standard Edition and what software you're using to view the files (and if possible what color profile the software is set to)?

WilliamTing, what you're describing does sound like this, especially since the same file is appearing differently in each of your software suites. The Windows Photo Viewer actually has a known issue where it will add a yellow tinge to a lot of images. However, I don't want to discount this as a bug so we're investigating it thoroughly.

However, we'll do whatever we can to fix the problem once we've reproduced the issue.

We'd be greatly appreciative if you could send us a session file showing the issue before the image is saved out. Please send it to support1234@anthropics.com and mark it for "Arjun - Forum Saved Out" If the file is large, we'd recommend using dropcanvas.com and sharing the link with us.

In regards to the airbrush issue, I've also been unable to reproduce it on my end. Can you elaborate on what's occurring? Is the airbrush effect not matching the workign window in PP or is the effect too drastic when using the airbrush? If it's the second, you can reduce the touch up brush intensity by reducing the brush strength.

Please rest assured that we're looking deeply into it and doing whatever we can to resolve it.

Anthropics Technology Ltd.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Final image more retouched than what PP shows - Arjun - 01-25-2013, 01:01 PM

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