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removing blushes
I have a lovely wedding photo. However the groom, yes the groom, blushed a bright scarlet colour when the photos were being taken. How do I remove this red colour and provide a more natural tone? Tried skin soften etc but cant find anything that seems to work.

Can anyone help? Smile
Hi frankc,

You might get the results you want by increasing the value for Balance Hue under the Skin Coloring controls.

Let us know if that was what you were looking for.

Anthropics Technology Ltd.
Thanks for that. I tried it and it made it only marginally better. Still looks like a beetroot! I even set the hue to max. Saved the picture. Re-opened it as a new project and did the hue again. No joy Sad Any other suggestions?
I solve this with my photo editor (which happens to be Aperture). Here's a video that shows the technique, albeit with Photoshop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tv1gHs6who. Don't pay too much attention to the video prior to the 3:20 mark or so -- he's addressing a problem that is not likely your problem. But at about 3:20 and on he describes a technique that can be replicated in various photo editors.

In Aperture I use the color tool, select the red color, use the eye-dropper to identify an area that is too red, and adjust just that color range (which can be increased or narrowed) to a yellower tone.

I agree with you that Portrait Professional is not the best in this area although the suggestion made above is the one I would have made too and it can work in some situations.
Fred. I came back to this post today to remind myself regarding the blushes. Then I noticed that I never said thank you. Very remis of me, I always try to say thank you to someone who has taken the time and effort to reply. So its a bit late, almost a year, but Thank you Fred! It worked Smile
(06-04-2013, 04:09 PM)Arjun Wrote: Hi frankc,
You might get the results you want by increasing the value for Balance Hue under the Skin Coloring controls.
Let us know if that was what you were looking for.

I often have to perform tasks similar to what the original poster of this thread described. One of my most used features in previous editions of Portrait Professional was the "Balance Hue" that you mentioned (formerly in "Skin Coloring Controls.") I was disappointed after purchasing Portrait Pro 12 to see that it is no longer a feature. Is it really gone, or has it been replaced by something else?

I thought "Color Correct" might be the replacement, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all. Anyway, "Color Correct" doesn't sound like it would be the same as "Balance Hue."

I hope "Balance Hue" comes back in Portrait Pro 13!

Thank you.

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