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Touch brush spot removal is nasty
I have just installed the trial of PP 10 and so far I am very disappointed in the Touch Up brush spot removal. I find it seems to leave strange artifacts or smudges when removing spots or lines near edges of strong brightness changes i.e where you are trying to remove a spot near to a darker area an example would be on the chin where there is a darker underchin area. Do you folks do all your basic blemish removal in Photoshop and then go into PP 10 for skin smoothing etc? At the moment I cannot say I will be in a hurry to buy the product! Any comments or advice greatly appreciated.

I have also just discoved that if you use the Skin Mask extend brush you get similar smudgingSad

Regards Colin

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Touch brush spot removal is nasty - CKAJCA - 11-20-2011, 11:30 AM

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