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Missing Opacity Slider in V10 Studio 64
Not really. I don't think I explained my issue very well. In V9 I was able to fine tune the selection of skin area by using a different opacity with my brush strokes. This allowed me to go right into the skin smoothing controls only one time because I had used more or less density depending on the area of the portrait that needed more or less of an effect. Now, in V10 I have to apply the mask to an area as either an on or off selection process and then use the touch up brush to lessen the effect in specific areas. This seems a bit cumbersome to me. Previously, a typical scenario would be in a portrait where a forehead needed less smoothing than a cheek. In V9 I would reduce the density of the mask on the forehead through brush strokes on the mask. I would make appropriate adjustments using the sliders in the skin control and that was it. Now, those sliders in V10 apply changes to the entire area evenly becuase no gradation is possible in the mask at that point. In order to reduce the effects, I have to include a touch up step to reduce areas needing it by "restoring" an area. In my example, I'd be restoring texture to the forehead.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Missing Opacity Slider in V10 Studio 64 - Sidnancee - 01-31-2011, 12:42 AM

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