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Teeth whiten
Before, excuse my language ,y am french!
in this setting ,:teeth: if you add remove yellow color :
this seting do a very beter job.
Before whitening first remove yellow color.
after if need ,white s bit.
Tanks ,just suggestion. Alain.
Hi Alain,

If I understand you correctly, you are saying for the teeth whitening, there should be a separate slider for desaturating (removing the yellow), than there is for whitening. I think that is a good idea, and I'll consider it for the next release. If you want to ask more, feel free to write in French.

admin Wrote:Hi Alain,

If I understand you correctly, you are saying for the teeth whitening, there should be a separate slider for desaturating (removing the yellow), than there is for whitening.  I think that is a good idea, and I'll consider it for the next release.  If you want to ask more, feel free to write in French.

Yes thats it. You understand my english verry well.!
Y like practice your language,it 's good for me!
the Canadian dolar is very good vs US ,Y plan visit US a couple tyme this Year
Y am 46 years old and do Kite surf and Motocross for stay yong!,You have some paradise for me.
An other tips for PP is ,Y need to remove with an other edith program the (dont now the name for )THE RED BLOD LINE IN EYE.
Y practicly never white eye in a god exposure picture or just a litle. but remove the red and red line!
Tanks for replay and tanks for PP .
Hi Alain,

There are several tools to improve the appearance of the eyes. Try clicking on the 'red eye' button to remove red eye caused by camera flash. For removing veins from eyes, try the eye whitening controls. Sometimes you have to play with both the eye area and the amount to get the best result. Do you have the French version of Portrait Professional? We will be releasing version 6.2 in French in the coming weeks.

I would like to second that request for adding "removing yellow" for teeth. Either as a slider, or a checkbox. I have found that simply "whitening" them doesn't seem to help much, instead making them much to bright and glowing.

Unfortunately, a LOT of my subjects have teeth yellowing issues, especially if they smoke, and desaturating back to white (not to gray!) would be extrememly helpful. As it is now, I typically have to do that functionality in Photoshop/Paintshop or similar first.
Me too. I'm using ImageTrends Pearly Whites at present but it's a bit fiddly and produces less than perfect results.
Hi I am new. Just purchased Portrait Pro after rading a review in "The Photographer" (BIPP member magazine). Great piece of software, but I would like to possibly see a way to mask the teeth for the whitening modifier, (kind of like the skin mask/hair mask) as currently it seems to lighten everything in the mouth (gums etc.) Just wondered if that was `doable`.

Other than that enjoying it so far, and got some great examples. Brides are gonna love this when I show them Smile

Regards, Mark http://www.eyecandyphotographic.co.uk
Mark Simms LBIPP -
Just upgraded from version 6.5 to 8.0 and would like to again second my request for a Teeth "remove yellow" feature. I seldom need to brighten the teeth actually (it looks quite artificial) but something to desaturate and remove the yellow/brown hue would be great.
It looks like this feature is now in version 9. There are two sliders, one for "brighten" and another for "whiten." I must admit this is totally confusing (especially because the pop-up help and even the help file just state that one slider "brightens" while the other "whitens" teeth. Duh!

I assume one make the teeth have less yellow color (whitening?) and the other actually increases the brightness of the teeth (too much of which will make them glow). Increasing the whitening, while keeping the glowingness in check via the brightening command will now do what we want?

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