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3D teeth - Printable Version

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3D teeth - bena - 09-22-2009

Some people do not take good care of their teeth. So I was thinking why not replace the teeth with 3D generated teeth? A couple of sliders would allow you to change the size of the 3D teeth as well as the shape.

I figure if you had a few Male and Female teeth models, the user could pick the best teeth to fit the person.

It would be handy to replace 1 to all teeth by position as well as replace upper and lower teeth as check box control.

RE: 3D teeth - admin - 09-22-2009

Interesting idea, and one we actually had in the software a long time ago. Unfortunately, it turns out putting synthetic teeth into a picture and getting it to look realistic is more difficult than you might think. Getting the 3d orientation, scaling, lighting, etc is quite tough!
