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It would be GREAT if Portrait Pro could also allow us to do some makeup retouching e.g. darkening blush, lipstick etc.


David Jacobs
I'd like to second this idea, the tint just isn't enough for me and I'd like to maybe pop just the blush on some pics. This would be a brush usage and what would be REALLY nice is if the brush was presure sensitive from my Wacom tablet. Until then I'll use PS5.
The ability to add mascara or extra lashes would be helpful.  I vote make-up.
I agree makeup retouching would be a nice addition.   I photograph teenagers occasionally, some of whom seem to have limited experience applying makeup in a tasteful, flattering way. Rolleyes  There is really no time to have them redo their makeup at the shoot.  
A lipstick brush would be great, accompanied by an eyedropper to match the color of the existing lipstick. I seem to get quite a few ladies who've missed a spot on their lips. Also something to even out the gloss (or add it) would be fantastic.
Have a look at http://www.perfect365.com/. I think this software can do pretty well what was asked here.

However, as suggested here, I hope PP11 has improved lips retouching, creamy skin tone/colour adjustment, greatly improved eye controls.