Howdy,, Is it possible to make lips shine, or wet, like with lip gloss or water or oils on lips. looks hot and would enhance some of my portrait shots. dry lips just don't have that appeal,, know what I mean??
any suggestions, or is this somthing that might be in the bag for PP ver 11?? thanks for your help,, jc[/size][/font]
There's nothing specific for glossy lips, but it's a good idea. I'll put it in the suggestions database. My favorite lip sliders (found in the mouth section) are: Saturation, Darkening and Contrast. Contrast is the one that makes lips look the most shiny.
What I do...Soften the detail of the lips....often too much detail of the lip wrinkles, lines and texture make the lips look dry...then I make the contrast stronger...makes the highlights show up more giving the impression of wetness.
Kat999 Wrote:What I do...Soften the detail of the lips....often too much detail of the lip wrinkles, lines and texture make the lips look dry...then I make the contrast stronger...makes the highlights show up more giving the impression of wetness.
Hopefully being able to select lip color from a color picker is in the next version. Depending on the clothes color you may want to match the lip color or a shade thereof.
Surely an easy answer is to have the model wearing shiny/glossy lipstick as part of her make-up ?
My wife always has different colour lipsticks for different 'looks', along with a whole range of eye make up colours and lashes. All make for some great modelling shots.
(07-17-2011, 06:44 AM)garratt15a Wrote: [ -> ]Surely an easy answer is to have the model wearing shiny/glossy lipstick as part of her make-up ?
My wife always has different colour lipsticks for different 'looks', along with a whole range of eye make up colours and lashes. All make for some great modelling shots.
Sometimes though models when they show up have a natural color lip stick and it would be nice to change the color
(08-24-2011, 02:57 PM)ozphoto Wrote: [ -> ] (07-17-2011, 06:44 AM)garratt15a Wrote: [ -> ]Surely an easy answer is to have the model wearing shiny/glossy lipstick as part of her make-up ?
My wife always has different colour lipsticks for different 'looks', along with a whole range of eye make up colours and lashes. All make for some great modelling shots.
Sometimes though models when they show up have a natural color lip stick and it would be nice to change the color
True, of course, but when booking the girls ( or asking them if they are a friend) ask them to bring various shades with them.
(08-25-2011, 07:19 AM)garratt15a Wrote: [ -> ] (08-24-2011, 02:57 PM)ozphoto Wrote: [ -> ] (07-17-2011, 06:44 AM)garratt15a Wrote: [ -> ]Surely an easy answer is to have the model wearing shiny/glossy lipstick as part of her make-up ?
My wife always has different colour lipsticks for different 'looks', along with a whole range of eye make up colours and lashes. All make for some great modelling shots.
Sometimes though models when they show up have a natural color lip stick and it would be nice to change the color
True, of course, but when booking the girls ( or asking them if they are a friend) ask them to bring various shades with them.
granted I would ask them to do that, but sometimes a shoot can be a casual affair with folks in and out like events etc where a lip color picker would be great tool.
Yeah, if we can change the color of eyes, it would seem a natural feature to change lip color--especially considering they are already marked and indicated for the program. Tony mentioned he has made a note in his DB of considerations. Let's cross our fingers for some future release.

Try making the contrast more intense Or re-color carefully.