currently there is an automatic mode for selecting skin area in PP and you can enhance it a bit by telling PP what kine of picture it is (full body, etc.).
Then you have the fully manual mode where you enlarge or reduce skin areas with brushes.
I would propose to add a semi automatic mode where you add or remove from the skin area with a kine of magic wand - very much like the selection tool in photoshop.
That way it might be easier to e.g. add skin areas that the automatic mode did not "see" by a couple of clicks in the respective skin areas.
Best regards - Peter
One thing people often miss is that the brushes in portrait professional are intelligent, by which I mean that they automatically avoid going over into areas that are a different color from the center of the brush. This means you can be very quick and sloppy when using them and still get a good result.
right - I wasn´t aware of this ...
Still it might be easier to only click once on a leg and have the area select the full skin area.
Currently I use a compbination of having the automatic calculate with having set the area to "full body" (but this seems to fail often when the subject is not "top down") - then manually add by painting over with a brush.
So having a wand that selects all relevant area intelligently by a couple of clicks seems like an enhancement to me.
Regards - Peter
Getting a flood fill that works correctly in all cases is very difficult, not to get confused with similar color clothes, shadows etc. The next version of Portrait Professional (v10) will have improved brushes so it will be interesting to get your feedback on them.
Thanks Tony,
for the feedback.
admin Wrote:Getting a flood fill that works correctly in all cases is very difficult, not to get confused with similar color clothes, shadows etc. The next version of Portrait Professional (v10) will have improved brushes so it will be interesting to get your feedback on them.
You are right - flood fill that sticks to it´s bounderies is hard to do. So either it should have a "sensitivity" slider or it should be more on the conservative side. I´d prefer to have to click 2-5 times on different areas of e.g. a leg, instead of having to brush away on clothing areas afterwards.
I tried a bit on the "intelligence" of the brushes in version 9, and to be honest I did not relly notice much auf it- at least when marking I could not see that the brush would not mark into the black or white clothing when I brushed in the border areas of the skin.
Whatever the brush size was it seemed to mark that area ...
So I´m really looking forward to the enhancements in version 10 - any rough hint when to expect that new version (I know programmers hate that question :-) ).
Thanks and regards - MacSass