I posted a support ticked 4 days ago about a problem reading DNG files, it crash the software, so far, no one has read it or answered it. Does support for this program really exist?
Ticket 41843
Support are usually pretty good at responding.
FYI DMG format files are Mac archives. Probably created with a software like Stuffit (
http://www.stuffit.com) Not readable on Windows.
It's a Digital Negative Graphic file
On the above page are lists of programmes which will open that kind of file which, if you have, you can open the file then save it to a format which PP will open/read.
Well they are not being good at responding to me, I posted it on the 11th, with a link of one DNG file on yousendit, which have not being even downloaded once. So they can test it.
DNG Digital Negative, it is a RAW format that is supposed to be supported by the specs of the program, used by many cameras and mainly by Lightroom. Only reason I paid for the upgrade to the 64 bits version was being able to edit my library of DNG files.
As you can see is listed here
I'm not sure if the Anthropics staff work at the weekend but I'm sure if you're patient you'll get an answer. It's early Monday morning in the UK at present so give it a couple of hours and you'll get your problem attended to.
Is it all of your DNG files which crash PP or just one particular one ?
I finally got an answer, the feature is actually broken, which makes me wonder how they promote something as a main feature of an edition that cost extra money and don't test it before send it out... they got me a license for the studio version not 64 bits for now until they fix it.... less than ideal I would say. But better than nothing.
Sorry you have been frustrated, we are working on fixing this.
Out of curiosity, is there any customer support available on weekends? I opened a support ticket Friday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time. Got a couple responses, but no resolution. Now, it's Monday morning, Eastern Standard Time, and I've STILL not gotten a response or resolution. My current support ticket number is 49847.
Here's my issue:
Message posted by Kathy at Friday, March 04, 2011 12:41:55 PM
Just sent another support ticket a few minutes ago about having a problem with my payment. Now I've got confirmation from Paypal that my account was charged twice. Please refund one payment!!
Message posted by Julia at Friday, March 04, 2011 1:16:33 PM
Hi Kathy,
As per my last message, there is currently an issuing with paypal. I cannot find any transactions from you using your name and email address. Please let me know if you have received transaction IDs from paypal and what they are, then I will be able to find generate you a license and refund one of the payments.
Warm regards,
Anthropics Technology
Message posted by Kathy at Friday, March 04, 2011 1:21:35 PM
1st id is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The other is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Thanks for your help Julia!
Message posted by Kathy at Friday, March 04, 2011 8:46:29 PM
Just wondering if this is being worked on, or if there's still a problem with paypal on your end, or if you've had any success with finding my transaction ID's? I'd like to be able to use the program over the weekend, as I have several projects I'm working on.
Message posted by Kathy at Monday, March 07, 2011 8:46:19 AM
Good morning. May I please have a license and refund of one of my double payments?
I'd REALLY appreciate someone getting back to me. I'm beyond frustrated, and am ready to give up on the program entirely and just ask for a full refund of both payments if this is what I can expect from customer support.
Yes there is some support at weekends but they either didn't know how to fix your problem, or they didn't have time and were busy supporting other people.
Until Wednesday this week some of the support people are needed to support the extra customers we see at an exhibition we are demonstrating at, so this will cause some extra delays in support.
Please don't worry, if you have paid us twice we will refund one of the payments. Please wait for the support people to help.