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Include a “golden ratio” algorithm  for full face portraits so a basic model assessment  could be made.
Roscoe Wrote:By way of enlightenment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio

This is what I had in mind:
"Most people score between 4 and 6, and Dr. Schmid says no one has ever been a perfect 10."

How about Beau Dereck ...... she was supposed to be a perfect 10 !!
N.B. When you are placing the points on your subject's face, the less you have to move the points, in general, the prettier the shape of their face. Beauty, though, is very complex, so it's quite possible someone fitting ideal shapes can be less attractive than someone who doesn't. It's a fascinating topic though, and one we are currently putting a lot of thought into for improvements to our face sculpting technology.
