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I have made several attempts to contact support regarding an issue with a token key not found
Please contact me as soon as possible.
I purchased portrait pro 10 pro edition via Ebay and set up and paid for the upgrade to 18 and I can not find my token for the portraitpro 10, this is my information Application: Portrait Professional Studio
Edition: Studio Edition
Product code: PPmaxL-F-en-v10.9.5 / ZRaw-v1.1
Platform: Windows
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\\WINDOWS|\\Device\\Harddisk2\\Partition1 64-bit (10.0.18363)
Language: 1033
Computer Name: DESKTOP-1
Processor: AMD FX™-9590 Eight-Core Processor
Number of Physical Processors: 1
Bios: BIOS Date: 05/04/16 14:45:20 Ver: 04.06.05
Bios Release Date: 20160504
System Model: To be filled by O.E.M.
System Manufacturer: To be filled by O.E.M.
Memory: 6144 MB
Free Disk Space on Boot Partition: 31603326976 Bytes
FreePhysicalMemory: 4908980 KB
FreeSpaceInPagingFiles: 4589428 KB
FreeVirtualMemory: 2356600 KB
Current Date/Time: 2/1/2020, 9:28:36
you have sent me the same link twice https://www.portraitprofessional.com/man...7872514995 and ecah time I click the link I get this. HTTP 404 Error - Page not found
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