Portrait Pro Forums

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Using the best and latest Portrait Pro (9).  
I'm just having a lot of fun using it.  Here is my first test.

Changed eye color, elongated the neck, removed blemishes, adjust mouth and jawbone, raised eyebrows
Hello Pinnoy and welcome to the flock of PP users.  I've been at it for about 1.5 years and am continually impressed by what this program can do.  You'll get better and faster at it with practice.

Best to you,

Thank you Johnabe,

This is a truly remarkable software; something that would be considered miraculous during the 1980s.

Thanks and the best to you.

johnabe Wrote:Hello Pinnoy and welcome to the flock of PP users.  I've been at it for about 1.5 years and am continually impressed by what this program can do.  You'll get better and faster at it with practice.

Best to you,

Agreed.  I used to do pencil retouching on my negatives back then.  But that wouldn't sculpt the face shape or let you change eye color or improve skin tone.  Great technology!!
I loved the photo you used, such a fresh face...I decided to try my hand at it.  I did very little face sculpting, I did open up the eyes slightly and changed the eye hue just a little, and made the eyes brighter.  I tried to leave a hint of freckels when working with the complextion.  Even with extending the the skin area down into the neck and chest area, the slight pink blush on the face didn't match the neck, so I did go into Paint Shop Pro and add a little blush to the the neck area for a better overall look...and yes...I have a fetish about objects growing out of the back of someone's head, so I did remove the building behind her with a clone tool.