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Full Version: Life Time use
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Dear Reader,

When I bought PortraitProfessional, I have seen on the the buy-page a sentence:
Fantastic value, just one payment buys lifetime use of this product.!

How is this possible.?
Then the programm worked with a server.!
So, when I am 25 and I life 70 years, ( then I am 95), a reasonable age, then all that  time do that server work?

Could the prgram not made : independently  of the server and so from internet ?

Frits Egelie
P.S. I am dutch, so there could be errors in my english writing.
And I am not 25, but 65 so???
Hi there Egelie,

We are often asked this question. Obviously we hope to continue trading for the next 70 years and also beyond! However, if Anthropics does cease trading we will issue every customer with a standalone version that does not require a server. People also ask us why we would be bothered working on a standalone version if we did stop trading. We actually produce standalone versions as part of our build process, each time we do a new release, so it would be extremely easy to release a standalone version if we did stop trading, and certainly worthwhile for us to protect our reputations as individuals. The reason we don't release a standalone version now, is having part of the process server based, is the only way of guaranteeing protection against piracy. This means we can keep our price down, which we hope is of benefit to our customers.

We have a list of questions relating to the buying process here:


And if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



That's reassuring Tony, thanks. Lifetime free upgrading isn't unusual. Ten years ago I bought Musicmatch Jukebox with free lifetime upgrades and they are still in business and I haven't been let down.
wingnut1 Wrote:That's reassuring Tony, thanks. Lifetime free upgrading isn't unusual. Ten years ago I bought Musicmatch Jukebox with free lifetime upgrades and they are still in business and I haven't been let down.

I bought PP and joined the forum yesterday. My understanding is that minor upgrades are free but major ones would have to be paid for so they are not 'free for life'.

I understand it to be that the server usage is free for life. I am wondering whether each major version will be supported for free usage, or will it be the case that we have to upgrade to the latest major version to continue using the program?