I've just installed the Windows trial version of PP V9 to test improving features in colour management. As for PP V8 the colours displayed are incorrect and it seems that the system default monitor colour profile (resulting from a calibrated system) is not used ? How to configure the monitor colour profile and which rendering mode is used ?
Thanks for your help
Firstly, Giorgio, have you installed the trial version of Portrait Professional Studio? Only the Studio version supports color management.
Hi Tony,
Yes of course...
First, my problem is which monitor colour profile is used by PP ?
For Windows and Mac, the Studio editions of the software use the default color profile for the desktop of the default display device. Portrait Professional always uses the rendering type INTENT_PERCEPTUAL.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your help.
My problem seems to be with images with aRGB colour profile flag (without embedded profile). I will do further tests.