Portrait Pro Forums

Full Version: I need help?
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I bought the $40 version of PP today... and i loved it.. until i noticed that after saving the photos (Jpeg) and uploading them both online and in adobe photoshop 10 that the photos are substancailly darker than what they were edited to be in PP. this is a big issue for me Sad

Is there anything im doing wrong or is the cheapest version of PP just lower quality. If this is how my photos save (dark and dreary) then im certainly not interested in keeping this program and would like my money back

any help?
(04-03-2012, 05:58 PM)noel1990 Wrote: [ -> ]I bought the $40 version of PP today... and i loved it.. until i noticed that after saving the photos (Jpeg) and uploading them both online and in adobe photoshop 10 that the photos are substancailly darker than what they were edited to be in PP. this is a big issue for me Sad

Is there anything im doing wrong or is the cheapest version of PP just lower quality. If this is how my photos save (dark and dreary) then im certainly not interested in keeping this program and would like my money back

any help?

Can't be much help except to say that I began with the very same program and had not had that problem.
The difference is dramatic! I didn't notice any differences on my computer. I will pay special attention from now on and see whether such problem occurs on my computer.
Hi noel1990,

Sorry for the delay in responding. The issue may be related to colour profiles, which the Standard Edition doesn't have support for. If you'd like me to take a look at the issue, would it be possible to get an example image where this issue occurs? If you could send me either the original image or a session file, I'd be glad to take a look into it and diagnose what the cause is.

