Portrait Pro Forums

Full Version: LittleMonster To LittleAngel | First Attempt With PP
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Hello - Ive had PP for a few years, and never even tried to use it. Been too busy with work to get back into my photography.....

but now I have wiped Lightroom clean, reimported and keywording/tagging 26gb of stuff from over the years.... and hoping 2012 will be the year I can get back to learning. Was overly chuffed that PP works as a plugin with Lightroom Smile Was amazed at how little effort it took to get great results. I wish the video tutorials were more in depth.

The photo below was taken by my 4 year old son a few days ago, and I randomly selected it to have a go at using PP. Thought I'd share it as my first attempt !

Hehe, got rid of those wrinkles under the eyes...removed years from his age ! (wink)

Nice job. Even got rid of the drool on the bottom lip--a new kind of blemish for PPro to put in its list of things their software can fix Big Grin.

Side comment...have over 10,000 images (from 2000 forward) I need to keyword in LR. It's a heck of a chore! I'm probably 5% done.
Nice job! Keep it up.

Slynky, at least you have started keywording with LR and have 5% done! I had not even dare to think about it. I have more than 10 times your photos and I will probably leave them as they were.
(02-23-2012, 06:36 AM)williamting Wrote: [ -> ]Nice job! Keep it up.

Slynky, at least you have started keywording with LR and have 5% done! I had not even dare to think about it. I have more than 10 times your photos and I will probably leave them as they were.

EEEEK ! Big Grin