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Full Version: Multiple faces in image
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(02-05-2012, 03:26 PM)bythecshore Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-05-2012, 12:27 AM)bythecshore Wrote: [ -> ]When i worked on a first face in a photo, the second face was so close to the first face that it got slightly "bent" out of shape from my working on the first face. Is there a way to isolate each face as I work on it?
(02-05-2012, 12:50 AM)tebogan Wrote: [ -> ]This can occur when you use face enhancements that change the face to make it thinner. It has been my experience when working with multiple faces in an image that i turn the face enhancements off.

Thanks, that's what I figured.

A suggestion for the future is to add a tool that allows one to isolate an area of a photograph temporarily so that face enhancements can be used in multi-face photos (where the faces are close together).