11-30-2011, 01:46 PM
Take a look at this article:
Take a look at this article:
Quote:Photoshopped images could soon come with a warning label
Photoshop and software like it can be powerful image editing tools to take your photography from boring to brilliant, but it also makes it relatively easy to alter photographs for less honorable purposes. Advertisers have been airbrushing models for decades to make them even more perfect than they might already be, and studies have shown that as the digital alterations get even more unrealistic, it's been linked to increased instances of eating disorders and unreasonable body image. After all, if a young girl sees nothing but impossibly skinny models in magazines and on the internet, it's not surprising that she might look at herself in the mirror and feel less-than-pleased.
Politicians in several European countries including the UK, France, and Norway have called for such images to be labeled, but the publishing industry is understandably uneasy about a one-size-fits-all label. As an alternative, Dartmouth College computer science professor and digital image forensics researcher Hany Farid has proposed a five-step scale which would allow advertisers to differentiate between minor cosmetic tweaks like adjusting the white balance or softening a few wrinkles and radical alterations that change the very nature of the subject.
The ratings Farid proposes are calculated based on eight statistics regarding shape, color, and texture. The statistics describe movement of pixels in the subject's face and body, as well as the amount of blurring, sharpening, or color changes. There are no specific plans yet to actually use the labels in publishing, but once the system is complete, many envision a labeling system like that used for video games or movies.