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Full Version: African-American skin tones
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How can I avoid having very dark skin tones taking on a very unnatural grayish look when retouched. I don't have this problem with light skin African-Americans but dark skin seems to always present this problem.
Hello GreggorF,

Have you tried using the Skin Hue and the Texture & Tan Sliders under the Skin Controls? Those might help fix the grayish skin you've been getting. We hope this is of some help.

(10-18-2011, 02:08 PM)Arjun Wrote: [ -> ]Hello GreggorF,

Have you tried using the Skin Hue and the Texture & Tan Sliders under the Skin Controls? Those might help fix the grayish skin you've been getting. We hope this is of some help.


Thank you. I'll try it.