Portrait Pro Forums

Full Version: My First Post - Your Comments Welcome
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I just got Portrait Professional yesterday and I've already done (redone) over thirty portraits. Here is a series of before and after pictures. I did use Paint Shop Pro to add some softening and darkening around the edges. Your comments are most welcome.
The ladies look nice but they seem to be pretty soft. If that's what you want - good job, but it might be a little more realistic to cut down on the softening a bit. The guys look really good!
You need to save your JPGs at a higher quality. Also agree with previous poster, you need to tone down the softening a wee bit..
steevestell Wrote:Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie here. Searching new things is one of my hobby.I have visited the site and find too interesting. It was not to hard to be registered as there is in other sites.I like forum discussion since people can share their views and ideas to others.They can give comments on others topic and suggest them.

Agree with the others above. A little too soft...this often works well for a romantic type portrait, but seems a bit waxy for just a normal shot. But, not to worry....I think most of us over processed our first tries out of the gate. I've learned that for most women, I just try to make them look like they knew how to put on their makeup correctly, and with men, to mostly use the touch up brushes to take out the most outstanding blemishes and soften just a few of the heaver wrinkles. You are on the right track! Keep on, keeping on.Rolleyes