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Full Version: Saving versions
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You can save the image at any point and then carry on working on it for another version by clicking on one of the controls. Just don't close the program or go on to another image. You can minimize the program but will need to click the control again when you bring it back up.

Compare your versions side by side to decide which you like best before finally moving on to another shot or closing PP. For anyone who hasn't got it already I would recommend Faststone Image Viewer for doing the comparison (up to 4 images at a time). It is a great image viewer and does a lot more besides. It is free for personal use although donations are appreciated. Just bin the versions you don't want to release the hard drive space again.

I have opened the same file twice and found that you can work on both independently. Presumably this means you could open even more and have as many versions live as you want. This allows you to try different settings and just keep swopping the top version from the task bar to compare them.

Hopefully it might be possible to have an "Add new version" button to save having to start from scratch for this?

This will be a lot simpler in version five where you can save presets and switch between them quickly. Anyone currently purchasing version four gets a free upgrade to version five when it is out, so you don't need to wait to buy.

admin Wrote:Anyone currently purchasing version four gets a free upgrade to version five when it is out, so you don't need to wait to buy.

Is that just from today? Also do you have any schedule for the next release?
We are offering a free upgrade to version five to anyone who buys the software from the first of may. We hope to have version five available by the end of may.

admin Wrote:We are offering a free upgrade to version five to anyone who buys the software from the first of may.  We hope to have version five available by the end of may.


What is the upgrade price likely to be please?

We're still deciding the exact amount, but it wont be very much!

admin Wrote:Hi,

We're still deciding the exact amount, but it wont be very much!


I'll start saving up Rolleyes