User's hints and tips
- Is This Possible....? (4 Replies)
- Portrait Professional 9 Colour Managed (22 Replies)
- Reducing Shine? (1 Reply)
- Freckles (2 Replies)
- Anchor points (12 Replies)
- save retouched image Mac Plug-in PS cs4 (2 Replies)
- Restoration bonus (3 Replies)
- Eyebrows bluring (3 Replies)
- For E71 Users only (0 Replies)
- How much nose sharpening should there be by default? (1 Reply)
- PP9 - Eye Color Problem (3 Replies)
- Second tip (2 Replies)
- Plugin Portrait Professional 9.0 (1 Reply)
- buying PP studio 9 (6 Replies)
- plugin for photoshop (1 Reply)
- v9 Photoshop plugin for Mac's (3 Replies)
- Problem with multiple faces (2 Replies)
- Two problems with the software has popped up? (3 Replies)
- Problem with PP (2 Replies)
- No instructions on! (7 Replies)