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Full Version: Auto slider save/sidecar file save
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Hopefully this is not a difficult feature to add.

This feature should be a preference.

I would like for the program to automatically save the slider information for the photography when I save the photograph.

Similar to how a sidecar file works in Photoshop, I want the ability to go back into the original file and all the sliders to have been automatically applied.

The file would reside in the same directory as the original file.

Upon opening an image, the program checks to see if there is a corresponding slider save file and would automatically apply the slider information to the image.

If the user wishes not to have the sliders applied, he would simply change the name of the file from the OS or alternately through the same perference prompt the user.

This is a wonderfull program but it is missing this feature.

Yes, I can save custom slide saves, but this is a PITA when you are working with a client and they want to see dozens of variations on dozens of photos (my hell for the last two weeks!). I know that the sidecar format (.xmp) is extensible and it would be wonderfull if the info could simply be added to a sidecar, but a seperate file would be perfect.

Hopefully this feature will be considered since all the plumbing for this feature is already in the product and all that has to be done is add to the preference and a simple file exists and load when a image is loaded

Thank you for your consideration

The feature you want sounds like a Portrait Professional Session file. You can save a session by selecting "Save Session" from the file menu. Let me know if this doesn't cover your needs.

Hi Tony,

I agree with Enzo.
The problem is that the image is saved in the session file, so :
- the session file is very big (I usually use 16 bits TIFF files),
- the session file is unusable if the original file has changed after re-treatment,
- the session file can not be used for another file without creating a preset.

For me a side car file is a necessary functionality.

The first two points are fair enough. Regarding the third though, if it was a different file, then a preset holds all the information that can be transfered to a different file. All the other information (the point placements and where you have used the brushes) would be in the wrong place for a different file.

Hi Tony,

You're right for the third point...
Can I hope this new functionnality will be in V10 ?


I've put it in our suggestions database and would certainly prioritize it if lots of people wanted it.



hiiiiiiiiii everyone
hw ru