Portrait Pro Forums

Full Version: Additional edits to image when using as Photoshop Plugin????
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Hi I'm using Photoshop CC and Portrait Professional 12.2 and when making an edit in Photoshop, there does not seem to be any way to go back through Portrait Professional and tweak some editting without going through the process again?

This option is available when using Portrait Professional as a stand alone application as File>Save Session but I can not find it anywhere through Photoshop. It is not available through Lightroom either.

Though I use Lightroom for many things, My workflow brings me through Photoshop for most of my images which is where I access Portrait Professional. I open the file in Photoshop CC, make edits, create a duplicate layer then use Filters>Anthropics>PortraitPro.

Not having the full features as a Photoshop Plugin kind of defeats the purpose!

Thanks in Advance for any help